Spring is an open source RTS engine created by the Swedish Yankspankers. This page contains executables with code we have modified. These require you to download Spring before using them, and they will replace your current Spring executable file so it is recommended that you make a backup of the original.
If you wish to use any changes in a version of the Spring engine for your own mod, feel free. Since these are relatively simple edits of the code, which is licensed under the GPL anyway, credit doesn't matter.

Size: 1.03 MB Engine version: 0.50b2 Changelog: Click here
This engine modification changes the layout of the in game GUI of Spring, replacing the poorly aligned translucent default with a nice, solid black, TA-like layout. It is unknown whether or not this will affect multiplayer play at this entry's time of writing.

Mini Spring by Gnome
Size: 1.03 MB Engine version: 0.50b2 Changelog: Click here
All units in game will be 50% their original size. Build distances, script animations, weapon ranges, weapon areas of effect, radar distances, line of sight distances, and of course the physical model sizes of all units are halved. This has been tested with XTA, OTA, and SWTA, though it should technically work with any mod. However, it should be considered a mod itself, and it will probably break multiplayer play unless both players are using this EXE.