i would like to give a big thankyou to gnome for hosting this mod and its site :) thanks gnome u rock!
i would also like to thank consumed_paper too, hes stuck by me all the way thru the testing phase
Tiberian Dawn last updated 18/01/05
| click here for some eye candy These are units in the game, ones that arent in the game yet like the support aircraft and gunboat will be in missions only :) please keep in mind that is a beta Whats new? the whole thing is 10 times less crashy :D! i fixed the stealth tank so u can choose its fire orders now. nod now have a helicopter of their own you can build commandos! :D nod engineer build pic fixed more balancing with the weapons new models and textures for some buildings ion cannon and nuclear strike build pics fixed artillery and grenaders are now more accurate it should be less crashy now i hope :D something else i forgot Things you should know ;) I have ripped off the original command and conquer and used the total nnihilation game engine to do it, got a problem? tell the government and ill be arrested shortly. CORE is NOD ARM is GDI metal is the money you get from tiberium energy is your power level To make your harvesters scoop up the tiberium u need to make them patrol in it, they will then automatically scoop up bits here and there. They wont return to the refinery, you get the metal instantly when they scoop it up. They wont auto harvest if you have more than 1200 metal unless you are using up a lot of resources. There are no airstrikes, so if you play gdi and kill all of nods sam sites good for you, but the closest thing to an air strike your gonna get is a craploads of orcas. Just like in c&c if you have no energy then certain buildings wont operate and certain operations will move ultra slow ;) In the options menu turn OFF shading, or all the buildings are gonna look really really gay :\ Known Bugs; I think sometimes engineers can capture things other than buildings :( No single player at this time! thats right, at the moment when u play a single player skirmish the computer controlled players will just circle around until either you kill him or george bush drops a nuke on your house in which case it wont matter any more, this is caused by me not knowing how to fix it :) and rude son of a bitches who are too arrogant to tell me when i ask them. The game doesnt like helipads, if u self destruct a helipad the game will crash, if u own a helipad and exit the game, the game will crash. when u click on 'single player' there will be a bang kind of sound effect, u have to wait for this sound to finish before u can click on 'new campaign' or the game will crash :\ and it will probably crash anyway because i havnt included any missions for you to play yet. Your harvesters will stop patrolling accross the tiberium if you try to build a building too close to them, so keep your mcv away from there :D You need atleast 1 bit of energy in order to start building somthing, aslong as you have atleast one power plant or adv power plant u can build anything, but if you dont have either and you run out of power then your not going to build anything ever again >:D Some weapons will over shoot right over the top of their target and land somewhere at the max of their weapon range if the target is too close. Artillery and grenadiers are examples of this. If you build a Temple of NOD or an Adv communications on the very top of the map their weapon wont fire, also the ion cannon is not nearly as accurate as it is in the original c&c. Also, the build pics for the ion cannon and nuclear strike dont show up for some reason :( i cant get that to work. Please report any bugs to me next time you see me on msn :) or on the TAU forum. btw my address is matt_buck@hotmail.com but dont send me an email because hotmail dont work for me, but u can talk to me on msn :) ![]() NOD units ![]() GDI units CREATORS TEAM : Project Leader : Makourain General Concepts : Makourain Research and Ballancing : Makourain Unit Design : Makourain Ingame Sounds : Makourain Unit pictures compilation : Makourain Download Page designer : Makourain |